Star Wars fanart and character design


This is just a fun character design in my free time. I mainly did this to practice semi realism and a comic book style of drawing. I created my own Jedi oc, basically the story is that a clone trooper (who's inhibitor chip was damaged and doesn't function) saves a Jedi youngling from the Jedi Temple during order 66 and raises the kid as his own.
This one is a fanart head canon concept on what if the Jedi younglings and Clone Cadets got to play together and be friends. I just drew the younglings from 'The Gathering arc' playing with made up clone cadets.
This was just a fun fan comic to do on the side. It is a comic of Hera Syndulla from Star Wars Rebels with her and Kanan's son Jacen. Based off of a funny vine on YouTube.
This is a fanart of Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus. I did this as part of an online kanera friendly competition of fanart of them.




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